lll encontros de design de lisboa / lisbon design meetings — Design, identity and complexity
How to perform the online registration
The inscriptions for the 3rd international conference “III Encontros do Design” are open from the 21st September and until the 14th November.
Teachers and collaborators from the School of Fine Arts Universidade de Lisboa, as well as special guests are exempt from registration fee, but are nevertheless oblige to a mandatory registration.
College students – 5 €
Professors from other schools – 10 €
General public – 15 €
The inscription to “III Encontros do Design” is carried out exclusively online and through the Fenix platform.
Before making your online application please read the instructions below. If you have additional questions or doubts, please contact the Communication and Image Office of our faculty (comunicacao@belasartes.ulisboa.pt; +351213252108).
1. To make your online application you first need to access the Fenix platform and authenticate with the data of your Campus @ ULisboa account. If you have lost access to your Campus @ ULisboa account, you can make your recovery HERE.
2. If you have not attended any course (Bachelor, Graduate, Masters or PhD) at the School of Fine Arts and therefore have no Campus @ ULisboa account, you must necessarily carry out a pre-registration in the Fenix platform HERE.
3. NOTE: There have been some problems in sending messages to the completion of pre-registration and for addresses of the following domains: @ netcabo.pt; @ Hotmail.com; @ Vodafone.pt. As the reason for the delivery failure is unknown to ULisboa, if your email belongs to one of these domains, we must warn to the fact that we cannot guarantee that notifications of the application process are delivered on time. As a result, an if you are using an email address with one of these domains, we can only suggest that you sign up with an @ gmail.com.
4. After entering the application, you must select the “Candidaturas” tab. Then, you should register your application by choosing the “Encontros do Design” option, and according to yours specific application situation (college student, faculty member or the general public). After these steps, you should finish by filling in the requested data available in the electronic form.
5. The online application will only become valid after payment of the respective registration fee (except for the above mentioned exemptions), and an ATM reference shall be provided for the purpose of payment. If the payment is not made until the specified date, the process is terminated and your registration loses the validity.
6. Payments are made exclusively available through the generated ATM references and cannot be done either by bank transfer or directly at our services in FBAUL.
7. Errors or omissions during the filling of the electronic application form or the registration process are the sole responsibility of the candidate.