clouds of interactions
A exposição coletiva “Clouds of Interaction” com obras de Emma Hasse, Joana Garcia e Costa, Lola Sementsova, Maria Bezuglaya, Nadia Frolova e Rozze Domingues abre no dia 26 de novembro e ficará patente até 18 de dezembro.
Considerando a situação atual as visitas terão que ser feitas mediante marcação/reserva para o telemóvel: +351 910 731 360 e apenas se realizam de 2ª a 6ª (exceção de feriados e dias 30 de novembro e 1 de dezembro).
Cloud of Interactions
We can see the cloud, but if we try to reach out and interact with it directly, then it becomes transparent and ephemeral.
In a sense, art is like a cloud, which is visible, but we cannot see the process of interaction with it, and we cannot always explain its influence.
But if we assume that the power of great experiences and sensual discoveries happen in the air, if we stop looking for direct meaning, direct benefit, explicit aesthetics in art, then a person has the opportunity for new experiences and new sensitivity.