The Artists in Residence programme is coming back! Last year the Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa (FBAUL) received, between July and August, an international group of nine emergent artists to work in the historic Convento de São Francisco, developing their artistic works inspired by Lisbon. This year we want to gather more people, more artists to bring life to the school during the summer, making it a place of sharing and a reunion of cultures.
This activity will occur between july 25th and august 17th at Belas-Artes. During this programme the resident artists will participate in: artistic workshops, share work studios with other artists and use the workshops of sculpture (wood and metal), multimedia and photography to create their work of art.
There are 10 vacancies for current students or alumni from FBAUL, 10 vacancies for international artists and 10 vacancies for national students or artists.
To apply please read carefully the programme (PDF) and follow the steps described.