seminário de Christopher Kim Stavroudis
Seminário de Christopher Kim Stavroudis no âmbito do mestrado em Ciências da Conservação, Restauro e Produção de Arte Contemporânea.
O seminário será dado em inglês e é exclusivamente para os alunos do Departamento de Ciências da Arte e do Património.
Biografia de Christopher Kim Stavroudis
Chris Stavroudis is a paintings conservator in private practice in West Hollywood, California. Chris obtained undergraduate degrees in Chemistry and Art History from the University of Arizona and his Master’s degree from the Winterthur University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation. He wrote and continues to develop the Modular Cleaning Program and has taught over 25 workshops on using the MCP. Hi is one of the four co-instructors of the Getty Conservation Institute’s Cleaning Acrylic Paint Surfaces (CAPS) workshops. He was formerly on AIC’s Health and Safety and Emergency Committees and is an active AIC CERT volunteer as well as writing the Health and Safety column for the WAAC Newsletter.